Pisarei con sushi di salame varzi
Difficulty > Average
Difficulty > Average
The Recipes of the Caseificio Longo
Fillet the sea bass, cut into diamond-shaped steaks and place them in a backing
Mix the Tomini and cream to a smooth consistency and place in the fridge until
Cut the aubergines in half, season with olive oil, salt and oregano and bake in
Coat the Tomini del Boscaiolo in the egg and then the breadcrumbs, pressing
Place the bulgur wheat in a pan, add two spoons of oil and heat (do not toast).
Cut the potatoes with the skins on into thick sticks; wash to remove the starch,
Dissolve the yeast and sugar in 500 ml of slightly warm beer. Pour the two
Cut the Toma into 1 cm cubes, roll then in flour, then egg beaten with a pinch
Reduce the cheese into leaves and roughly chop the walnuts...
Place the thin slices of meat in a baking tray...
Chop the scallion finely and mix in a bowl with the caprino, a few torn basil