Potato cake with Ricotta and Toma
Difficulty > Average
Preparation > minutes
Doses for > people
Step > Preparation
Difficulty > Average
Preparation > minutes
Doses for > people
Step > Preparation
Boil the potatoes in a pan, peel and mash them.
Leave to cool, then add the Ricotta and eggs, and a pinch of salt.
Grease an aluminium tin, pour in the mixture and cook in the oven in a water bath for ten minutes.
Make a fondue using the Toma and milk. Pour onto a serving plate, tip out the cake and decorate with olives.
The Recipes of the Caseificio Longo
Dress the Longo Rustino with oil and salt, roll into small cylinders and wrap
Chop the scallion finely and mix in a bowl with the caprino, a few torn basil
Blend the Tomino del Boscaiolo, pour it into a bowl, add...
Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them with the salt, pepper and milk. Line
Wrap the Tomino in a slice of aubergine and a slice of pepper, then place it on
Dissolve the yeast and sugar in 500 ml of slightly warm beer. Pour the two
Fillet the sea bass, cut into diamond-shaped steaks and place them in a backing
Place the bulgur wheat in a pan, add two spoons of oil and heat (do not toast).