Mini Tomino del Boscaiolo and Vegetable Pastilles
Difficulty > Average
Preparation > minutes
Doses for > people
Step > Preparation
Difficulty > Average
Preparation > minutes
Doses for > people
Step > Preparation
Wrap the Tomino in a slice of aubergine and a slice of pepper, then place it on a piece of filo pastry the size of half a sheet of writing paper. Brush with butter and close into a parcel.
Wrap with two more sheets of pastry, closing on the opposite side each time. Brush with butter between each one and on the outside.
Continue in the same way for each mini Tomino, alternating the vegetables: courgette and pepper, courgette and tomato, aubergine and tomato.
After wrapping all the Tomini, arrange the "pastilles" on a baking tray lined with ovenproof paper.
Bake in a preheated oven at 190°C for about 15 minutes, until the pastry is slightly golden.
The Recipes of the Caseificio Longo
Cut the potatoes with the skins on into thick sticks; wash to remove the starch,
Dress the Longo Rustino with oil and salt, roll into small cylinders and wrap
Blend the Tomino del Boscaiolo, pour it into a bowl, add...
Boil the potatoes in a pan, peel and mash them...
Cut the Paglierine in half, fill with the raisins and walnuts. Warm a non-stick
Clean Valerian by carefully removing earth residues and sprinkle them in water
Gently fry the tuna with a small amount of oil, cut it into slices and set to
Chop the rosemary and place in a bowl with the oil, salt and pepper...
Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them with the salt, pepper and milk. Line