Créme brulée with Tomino del Boscaiolo
Difficulty > Average
Preparation > minutes
Doses for > people
Step > Preparation
Difficulty > Average
Preparation > minutes
Doses for > people
Step > Preparation
Blend the Tomino del Boscaiolo, pour it into a bowl, add
the cream and the egg yolks. Add salt and a little grated nutmeg.
Back in the oven in a water bath and decorate with sliced porcini mushrooms and two blades of chives.
The Recipes of the Caseificio Longo
Cut the Tomino del Boscaiolo in half like a bun, and fill with a slice of bacon
Chop the scallion finely and mix in a bowl with the caprino, a few torn basil
Wrap the Tomino in a slice of aubergine and a slice of pepper, then place it on
Place the bulgur wheat in a pan, add two spoons of oil and heat (do not toast).
Clean Valerian by carefully removing earth residues and sprinkle them in water
Gently fry the tuna with a small amount of oil, cut it into slices and set to
Cut the Paglierine in half, fill with the raisins and walnuts. Warm a non-stick
Dissolve the yeast and sugar in 500 ml of slightly warm beer. Pour the two