All the flavor of Caseificio Longo, even in the lactose-free version

Lactose is the most commonly found sugar in milk. Going into detail, it is actually a disaccharide carbohydrate polymer, made up of two units: D-glucose and D-galactose.
Its function is mainly energetic and guarantees approximately 4 Kcal per gram. In short, it is an important component present, as well as in milk, in many of its derivatives.

A study published by the Italian Society of General Medicine states that between 40 and 50% of the Italian population is lactose intolerant. It must be said that many of us, however, have not developed specific symptoms. There are also many consumers who follow lactose-free diets or who, in view of the warmer season, want to continue to enjoy dairy products, but digesting them more easily.

To meet the needs of all these consumers, Caseificio Longo has therefore thought of lactose-free variants of some of its most popular products. Among these certainly Tomino del Boscaiolo, which in its lactose-free version can offer the same original and unmistakable flavor in a cheese that combines taste and high digestibility, thanks to a lactose component of less than 0.1 grams per piece.
Another product declined in the lactose-free version by Longo are the Tomini a Rotolo, another flagship of the Piedmontese dairy, which ensure those who choose them a light and delicate taste, the perfect base for many recipes. And even in this case, the lactose component is less than 0.1 grams. The same component is also present in the lactose-free Luna di Primosole, a soft cheese with an elastic consistency and a light taste. Although it is lactose-free, Luna di Primosale also maintains its delicate flavor that recalls the genuineness of freshly milked milk.

The taste of traditional Piedmontese excellence, therefore, also lives on in its lactose-free version.

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